Just a few days left before applications are due!
If you’re having some trouble finding a location in which to share your talents with the City of Newton… we have some good news! Here are some suggestions for you. This is far from an exhaustive list, but will hopefully inspire or point you in the right direction.
Remember you must secure your venue before sending in your application.
Any/all of these locations must be contacted and confirmed before being placed on your application.
Historic Newton
Jackson Homestead – Nicole Downer (617) 796-1450 or ndowner@newtonma.gov
Durant-Kenrick House – (617) 641-9142 or ccowan@historicnewton.org
Spaces at the Newton Public Schools – formal application online – https://www.newton.k12.ma.us/Page/2723
Lutheran Church of the Newtons – Aileen Murphy aileenkmurphy@gmail.com
Newton City Hall / War Memorial Auditorium
Newton Community Farm – Karyn Novakowski – karyn@newtoncommunityfarm.org
Newton Early Childhood Program (Former Thomas Aquinas Jr College Auditorium) – Josh Morse Jmorse@newtonma.gov
Newton Free Library – Ellen Meyers emeyers@minlib.net
Newton Library Branches
Waban – Collen Nolan of the Waban Improvement Society: WISBookkeeper@gmail.com
Auburndale – 617 552-7158 info@auburndalelibrary.org
Newton Public Parks
Newton Senior Center – Alice Bailey, Executive Administrator, at 617-796-1664 or abailey@newtonma.gov
Second Church/Congregation Dorshei Tzedek (which meets at the Second Church in West Newton on 60 Highland St) – contact is via Dorshei Tzedek – Jen Kaplan jenkap12@gmail.com
United Parish of Auburndale – Betty Meyer Gallery – Doug Robinson-Johnson – office@newtonchurch.org (617) 964-8516
Other suggestions:
Private residences
Churches, Synagogues and other places of worship